heres a cover of deltarune's dont forget that i really like. to this day i still dont know who made it, but whoever did, its beutifal. anyway lets get this thing started!!

Welp. it seems like its finally time to discuss it. the big ol elephant in the room. or in this case, rabbit. its time to tell all of you about

otherwise known as, MY DREAM PROJECT!!! its a project i hold very near and dear to my heart. i hope one day to make it fully a reality, but for now, a little summary of it is an order. its what this little website of mine is dedicated towards anyways.


plainingly put, Rabbits Foot will be a (Web)Comic about a young rabbit who leaves the only home he's ever known for the promise of adventure!! the likes of which he couldnt even dream of!! this Rabbits name is...

He is a Naive, yet VERY adventerous rabbit who's got his mind set on becoming an explorer!!

whats an Explorer you ask?

why explorers are Animals, who, well... Explore. to be more specific, they Explore the world at large in search of seeing EVERYTHING their world has to offer, that includes stuff like Caves that go down to the worlds depths, Worlds that reach far into the heavens, and everything in between!! sounds fun, doesnt it?

well being an explorer is not all sunshine and rainbows!!! To be an explorer, you have to be one tough cookie, as you never know what you might face while exploring!! sometimes it could be dastardly foes, sometimes it might be Natural disasters, and sometimes even Explorers themselves.

Lucky doesnt want to be just any Explorer however.

Luckys dream is to not Just be a well known explorer, He wants to become the Greatest Explorer to have ever lived!!! A task much, MUCH harder said than done, not only does he have to do some AMAZING things first, he'll also have to contend with some TUFF as NAILS adversaries for that very title!!

can Lucky beat the odds and become the Best Explorer??

*shrug* youll just have to wait and see ;)

thats all i can really indulge in for now. theres ALOT more id like to say about this project, but as right now im still working on chapter 1 of this thing. thats mainly due to like, my pefectionist nature around this story. i want page 1 to look so good that ill look back on it and ill go "theres absoulutly no way i could have ever done better than that." i predict ill probably be done with chapter 1 before Christmas, but ya never know i could always lose and arm or something (i think id get really depressed if that happened)

anyway, i want to leave you all viewing this page with one last gift. here is an unfinished version of the first page of this comic. you can consider this my early late or early birthday present from me to you :)

you might want to zoom out if you made it this far on this page

((ps, starting either 9/22/2023 or 9/23/2023, ill start uploading some concept art for Rabbits Foot!!! Starting with Lucky!))