Welcome to my Webpage! Now finally in a Complete (for now) state!!

congrats on finding this newish webpage on the large ocean known as the internet!! This site serves as sort of like a hub for information and catalouging the further devolpment of my dream project, its called

Rabbits Foot!!!

its something that i been working on for quite a while now, writing it, planning it, drawing characters for it, making locations for it, ive especially been working at improving my stylization skills as much as i possibly can just to create it!! i like to think of it as my very own Deltarune, if that makes any sense. <==== i hope you know what Deltarune is cause otherewise this wont make any sense.

(side note, i am not working on a video game, i barely know how to code lol ;u;)

Click here if youd like to find out more!!!! ===> UPDATE 9/20/2023

everything that i wanted to say (for now) about my Rabbit adventure comic has been said, so erm... im not really sure what to put here now lol ill think of something later probably

now that this bird has been here for so long, i feel like itd be rude to, ya know, remove him at this point. ill probably remove him when he wakes up, when that'll i have no idea though lol